Landscape design is not simply a matter of deciding what plant goes where based on aesthetic preference. It is more a matter of understanding the ecology of the site, the microclimates created by the architecture, and how the site will change over time.

I prefer to work with a broad plant palette, and include a wide diversity of colors, forms, and textures. My primary expertise is in the use of tropical, subtropical, and montane vegetation.

Conventional landscape design is static in that it assumes a maintenance crew will mow the lawn and trim the bushes forever after. A more dynamic approach factors in vegetational succession, and assumes that maintenance will not occur. Toward this end, I favor the use of indigenous vegetation wherever possible, and designs that may be allowed to "go wild". The end result is a timeless quality, a "sense of place" in the landscape, and reduced maintenance costs.

I am pleased to offer either landscape design documentation, or complete design/build services.

It all starts with dirt. The rich composted soil on this private estate in Alabama will ensure the ecological success of the landscape
Landscape design should celebrate the colors and textures of the living world. Just say NO to boring lawns!

< Southbeach Marriott Hotel,

Miami Beach, FL

Looking down at the extravagant forms and colors of the bromeliads.

Sheraton Suites Hotel >

Tampa Airport location

A view of the lush atrium landscape and water feature with Bruce J. Morgan in the background. This atrium features one of the tallest trees ever used in an interior landscape

< Ocean Terrace Inn,

St. Kitts, West Indies

Massive Royal palms dominate the landscape around the pool. The understory is composed of beautiful flowering tropical weeds.

Embassy Suites Hotel >

Miami airport location

An atrium view of the interior landscape.